Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

Grand Working direction anything is a precise way to state how to do the Grand version of a 4-dancer call. In the past, the Grand version of each call often had to be memorized, since there were slight differences that no single rule would cover. EN: 10

In order to define Grand Working, we must first define what we mean by a pair. A pair is a set of 2 dancers such that: EN: 20
  1. The 2 dancers within the pair are physically adjacent. EN: 30
  2. Each dancer is a member of only one pairEN: 40
  3. Pairs are constructed along the long axis of the formation. To obtain the pairs within a formation you need to draw imaginary lines perpendicular to the long axis of the formation, dividing the formation into sets of 2 dancers. EN: 50

Perhaps another way of looking at a pair is that if the caller were to call a 2-dancer call (such as Partner Tag or Right Roll To A Wave) the paired dancers would (usually) be working with each other. EN: 60

Examples of pairs: EN: 70

But be careful: the following diagram does not show pairs as
defined for this purpose, since the grouping violates above rule #3:
 EN: 80


With this understanding of a pair in mind, we now look at Grand Working. For Grand Working, each dancer within the overall formation selects a 4-spot sub-formation in which to work. This 4-spot sub-formation consists of the 2 spots in the dancer's pair and the 2 spots in an adjacent pair, which is determined by the given directionEN: 90

Each dancer who is in an Outside pair works within the 2 spots in their pair and the 2 spots in the adjacent Center pair. EN: 100

Each dancer who is in a Center pair works within the 4-spot sub-formation that includes the 2 spots in their pair, and the 2 spots occupied by the nearest pair of dancers that exist toward the given direction. Each of these dancers must individually determine in which 4-spot sub-formation they are to work. The determination is done relative to their own facing direction or to their own position within the overall formation. EN: 110

When the overall formation is a 1 x {n}, the sub-formations consist of 1 x 4s; when the overall formation is a 2 x {n}, the sub-formations consist of 2 x 2s. EN: 120

The given direction can be any of the following: EN: 130


Grand Working (from a 1 x 8):

From a 1 x 8 formation,
there are three 4-dancer sub-formations
consisting of adjacent pairs: EN: 300
sub-formation # 1 EN: 310
sub-formation # 2 EN: 320
sub-formation # 3 EN: 330

Grand Working As Centers (Together):
  • Dancers , , and work within sub-formation # 1. EN: 340
  • Dancers and work within sub-formation # 2. EN: 350
  • Dancers , , and work within sub-formation # 3. EN: 360

Grand Working As Ends (Apart):
  • Dancers , , and work within sub-formation # 1. EN: 370
  • Dancers and work within sub-formation # 2. EN: 380
  • Dancers , , and work within sub-formation # 3. EN: 390

Grand Working As Centers | Ends (from a 1 x 8):

This is the starting formation
for each of the following:
Grand Working As Centers
Grand Working As Ends

Grand Working As Centers | Ends (from a 1 x 6):

This is the starting formation
for each of the following:
Grand Working As Centers
Step & Fold
Grand Working As Ends
Step & Fold

More examples: EN: 400

Grand Working Left
Travel Thru
Grand Working Right
Wheel Thru

See also Triple formations Working direction CONCEPT [C3B]. -- Copyright © 2025 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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