From a Diamond or Generalized Single 1/4 Tag with the Centers in a Mini-Wave.
Centers do your part of Extend the Tag as the Others 1/4 toward the given direction (relative to the 4-dancer formation). Adjust to end in a 2 x 2.
Note: Drop Back means Drop U-Turn Back (unless, of course, you are attempting to dance at a level way over your head!).
There is a potential ambiguity dependent upon whether the outsides turn 1/4 before or after the Centers Extend (pay special attention to dancers and below):
We prefer Case 2 for the following reasons:
Interlocked Drop direction [C2V]: From Interlocked Diamonds. Everyone except the Very Centers do a normal Drop direction as the Very Centers Interlocked Extend (as one movement back-to-back Slither and Extend).
Cross Drop direction [C4]: Centers Cross Extend instead of Extend.