Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
A Diamond is a 4-dancer formation that can be setup from a Line of 4 after Centers Hinge. EN: 10

A Diamond consists of two Centers (those with handholds), and two Ends (also known as Points). EN: 20

Diamond Formation:

Diamond Footprints EN: 25
Typical facing directions EN: 27
R-H Diamond L-H Diamond Facing Diamond

Diamond Circulate [Plus] (Dewey Berry 1972):
From a Diamond. Walk forward to the next position in the Diamond while turning 90° toward the center of the Diamond. Centers become Points and vice-versa. Dancers facing along the Circulate path pass Right-Shoulders with each other. EN: 482

From a R-H Diamond:

Diamond Circulate
From a L-H Diamond:

Diamond Circulate
From Facing Diamonds:

Diamond Circulate
  part-way  after
From Facing Diamonds, always pass right-shoulders. EN: 40

Diamonds typically occur in pairs. EN: 50

Twin Diamonds
Point-to-Point Diamonds


At Plus, there are three calls done exclusively from Diamonds: EN: 110

The Diamond formation can have a different name, depending upon facing direction of the outside dancers: EN: 150

Single 1/4 Tag Formation
Single 3/4 Tag Formation

There is a subtle difference between the footprints of Twin Diamonds and a Generalized 1/4 Tag FormationEN: 160

Twin Diamonds
Generalized 1/4 Tag Formation
The exact position of the Outside dancers is dependent upon their facing direction. For Twin Diamonds, the outsides are equidistant between the centers on their side; whereas for a Generalized 1/4 Tag, the outsides are immediately adjacent (holding hands). While dancing, the formation can shift between these two formations. EN: 170

A Diamond formation is contained within a 2 x 3 matrix. A Diamond is 2-spots in width, and 3-spots in length. EN: 180

2 x 3 Matrix:

(length = 3 spots) EN: 190
2 x 4 Matrix:

(length = 4 spots) EN: 200

Square Breathing is a term used to indicate that dancer positions dynamically change as formations expand and contract. See example below: EN: 210

This is the starting formation
for each of the following:
Centers Hinge

(without Square Breathing)
Outsides did not adjust EN: 220
Centers Hinge

(with Square Breathing)
Outsides moved 1/2 position inward
and 1/2 position forward or backward
to form perfect Diamonds EN: 230

Drop direction [C2] (Lee Kopman 1975):
From a Diamond or Generalized Single 1/4 Tag with the Centers in a Mini-Wave. Centers do your part of Extend the Tag as the Others 1/4 toward the given direction (relative to the 4-dancer formation). Adjust to end in a 2 x 2. EN: 449 -- Copyright © 2024 Vic Ceder.  All Rights Reserved.
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