Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts

From a Two-Faced Line: EN: 10
Two-Faced Line $B$+$i(BJP: 10
Från en Two-Faced Line: SE: 10
Z formace Two-Faced Line: CZ: 10
起始队形为 Two-Faced Line 时: CH: 10

  1. Centers Cross Fold and all adjust to a Box (Bounce The Centers); EN: 20
    Centers $B$,(B Cross Fold $B$r$7$F(B Box $B$K(B adjust $B$7(B (Bounce The Centers); JP: 20
    Centers Cross Fold och alla justerar till en Box (Bounce The Centers); SE: 20
    Centers Cross Fold a všichni se zarovnají do formace Box (Bounce The Centers); CZ: 20
    Centers Cross Fold, 然后调整成一个 Box (Bounce The Centers); CH: 20
  2. Box Counter Rotate 1/4;
  3. Roll.

Ends in Facing Couples. EN: 30
$B8~$+$$9g$C$?%+%C%W%k$G=*$o$j$^$9(B. JP: 30
Slutar i Facing Couples. SE: 30
Končí ve Facing Couples. CZ: 30
结束队形为 Facing Couples. CH: 30

This is a 3-part call, and Callers often call 2/3 Cross CycleEN: 40
3 $B%Q!<%H$N%3!<%k$G(B, $B$h$/(B 2/3 Cross Cycle $B$,%3!<%k$5$l$^$9(B. JP: 40
Detta är ett 3-delars call, och caller callar ofta 2/3 Cross CycleSE: 40
Tato figura má tři části a calleři často použijí 2/3 Cross CycleCZ: 40
这是一个 3 部分口令,口令员常喊 2/3 Cross CycleCH: 40

From an applicable 2 x 2 (e.g., Facing Couples or Mini-Wave Box): EN: 50
$BE,@Z$J(B 2 x 2 $B$+$i(B ($BNc$($P(B, $B8~$+$$9g$C$?%+%C%W%k(B, $B$^$?$O(B Mini Wave $B$N(B Box): update JP: 50
Från en tillämplig 2 x 2 (t.ex, Facing Couples eller update SE: 50
Z vhodných formací 2 x 2 (jako Facing Couples nebo Mini-Wave Box): update CZ: 50
起始队形为可适用的 2 x 2 时 (例如, Facing Couples 或 Mini-Wave Box): update CH: 50

As one movement, (Facing or Box) Recycle & Slither. EN: 60
1 $B$D$NF0$-$H$7$F(B, (Facing $B$^$?$O(B Box $B$N(B) Recycle & Slither $B$r$7$^$9(B. JP: 60
Som en rörelse, (Facing eller Box) Recycle & Slither. SE: 60
Jako jeden pohyb proveďte (Facing or Box) Recycle & Slither. CZ: 60
做为一个单一的、平滑的动作, (Facing 或 Box) Recycle, Slither. CH: 60

Ends in a Two-Faced Line. EN: 70
Two-Faced Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9(B. JP: 70
Slutar i en Two-Faced Line. SE: 70
Končí ve formaci Two-Faced Line. CZ: 70
结束队形为 Two-Faced Line. CH: 70

From a Från en Z 起始于 Two-Faced Line:

before före před
Cross Cycle
$B$NA0(B 之前
after efter po
Centers Cross Fold
and adjust to a Box EN: 80
Centers Cross Fold
och justerar till en Box SE: 80
Centers Cross Fold
a zarovnání do Boxu CZ: 80
Centers Cross Fold
并调整成 Box CH: 80
$B$N8e(B 之后
after efter po
Box Counter Rotate 1/4
$B$N8e(B 之后
after efter po
$B$N8e(B 之后
(done) ($B=*$o$j(B) (klart) (hotovo) (完成)

Dancing hints: EN: 90
$B%@%s%9$N%R%s%H(B: JP: 90
Danstips: SE: 90
Rady jak na to: CZ: 90
提示: CH: 90
  • In practice, since 1/3 Cross Cycle is rarely called, dancers do not adjust to make a box before doing the counter rotate 1/4. The first two parts of Cross Cycle are danced as one smooth movement (similar to a Centers Cross Kick Off then Tandem (Right or Left) Touch). EN: 100
    $B1/3 Cross Cycle $B$O$^$l$K$7$+%3!<%k$5$l$J$$$N$G(B, $B%@%s%5!<$O(B counter rotate 1/4 $B$r$9$kA0$K(B box $B$K(B adjust $B$9$k$3$H$O(B$B$7$^$;$s(B. Cross Cycle $B$N;O$a$N(B 2 $B$D$N%Q!<%H$O(B 1 $B$D$N%9%`!<%9$JF0$-(B (Centers Cross Kick Off $B$r$7$F(B Tandem (Right $B$^$?$O(B Left $B$N(B) Touch $B$K6a$$F0$-(B) $B$GMY$i$l$F$$$^$9(B. JP: 100
    I praktiken, eftersom 1/3 Cross Cycle sällan callas, justerar inte dansarna till en box före sin counter rotate 1/4. De första två delarna av Cross Cycle dansas som en mjuk rörelse (liknande en Centers Cross Kick Off och sedan Tandem (Right eller Left) Touch). SE: 100
    Protože figura 1/3 Cross Cycle je zřídka callerována, v praxi ve skutečnosti nedochází k zarovnání do boxu. První dvě části Cross Cycle jsou tancovány jako jeden plynulý pohyb (podobný Centers Cross Kick Off a pak Tandem (Right nebo Left) Touch). CZ: 100
    在实际中, 因为 1/3 Cross Cycle 很少使用, 舞者不用 先调整成一个 box 再做 counter rotate 1/4. Cross Cycle 的头两个部分是跳成一个单一平滑的动作(与 Centers Cross Kick Off 然后 Tandem (右手或左手的) Touch 相似). CH: 100
  • Cross Cycle can be disorienting for the Centers. Think of Cross Cycle as Centers Cross Run; all Any Shoulder 1/2 Tag; 1/4 In. This helps you get to the correct spot, facing the correct direction. EN: 110
    Cross Cycle $B$G$O(B, centers $B$K$H$C$FJ}8~$,J,$+$i$J$/$J$k$3$H$,$"$j$^$9(B. Cross Cycle $B$r(B Centers Cross Run; all Any Shoulder 1/2 Tag; 1/4 In $B$H9M$($F$_$^$7$g$&(B. $B$3$l$O@5$7$$>l=j$X9T$-(B, $B@5$7$$J}$r8~$/$3$H$NJP: 110
    I Cross Cycle är det ofta lätt att komma vilse, i synnerhet för Centers. När jag dansar, brukar jag tänka på Cross Cycle som Centers Cross Run; alla Any Shoulder 1/2 Tag; 1/4 In. Detta hjälper mig att komma till rätt plats och titta i rätt riktning. SE: 110
    Cross Cycle může být pro Centers matoucí. Přemýšlejte o Cross Cycle jako o Centers Cross Run, všichni Any Shoulder 1/2 Tag, 1/4 In. To vám pomůže skončít na správném místě a dívat se správným směrem. CZ: 110
    Cross Cycle 对于 Centers 来讲容易辨不清方向. 可以把 Cross Cycle 的动作想像成 Centers Cross Run; 所有人 Any Shoulder 1/2 Tag; 1/4 In. 这样能帮助找到正确的位置和正确的面向. CH: 110
From Från Z 起始于 Facing Couples:

before före před
Cross Cycle
$B$NA0(B 之前
after efter po
$B$N8e(B 之后
after efter po
$B$N8e(B 之后
(done) ($B=*$o$j(B) (klart) (hotovo) (完成)

Dancing hints: EN: 90
$B%@%s%9$N%R%s%H(B: JP: 90
Danstips: SE: 90
Rady jak na to: CZ: 90
提示: CH: 90
  • Beaus 1/2 Press Ahead and Trade (with each other) as Belles do a normal Recycle (Dodge Left and Veer Left). EN: 130
    Beaus $B$O(B 1/2 Press Ahead and Trade ($B$*8_$$$K(B) $B$r$7(B, Belles $B$OIaDL$N(B Recycle $B$NF0$-(B (Dodge Left and Veer Left) $B$r$7$^$9(B. JP: 130
    Beaus 1/2 Press Ahead och Trade (med varandra) medan Belles gör en normal Recycle (Dodge Left och Veer Left). SE: 130
    Beaus 1/2 Press Ahead and Trade (spolu), zatímco Belles dělají normální Recycle (Dodge Left and Veer Left). CZ: 130
    Beaus 先 1/2 Press Ahead 再两人做 Trade, 同时 Belles 做个通常的 Recycle (Dodge Left, Veer Left). CH: 130
  • Beaus pick up the opposite Belles as in Flutter Wheel. EN: 140
    Beaus $B$O(B Flutter Wheel $B$N$h$&$K(B, $B8~$+$$$K$$$k(B Belles $B$r(B pick up $B$7$^$9(B. JP: 140
    Beaus kan plocka upp Belles mitt emot som i en Flutter Wheel. SE: 140
    Beaus vezmou protější Belles jako při Flutter Wheel. CZ: 140
    Beaus 像做 Flutter Wheel 时那样去带走对面的 Belles. CH: 140

Notes: $BCm Kommentarer: Poznámky: 注意:
  • From a Two-Faced Line, Cross Cycle is equivalent to Centers Back-to-Back Slither and all Recycle. EN: 150
    Two-Faced Line $B$+$i(B, Cross Cycle $B$O(B Centers Back-to-Back Slither and all Recycle $B$HF1$8$G$9(B. JP: 150
    Från en Two-Faced Line, är Cross Cycle ekvivalent med Centers Slither rygg mot rygg och alla Recycle. SE: 150
    Z formace Two-Faced Line je Cross Cycle ekvivalentní k Centers Back-to-Back Slither a všichni Recycle. CZ: 150
    起始队形为 Two-Faced Line 时, Cross Cycle 等同于 Centers 背对背地 Slither, 然后所有人 Recycle. CH: 150

    From a 2 x 2, Cross Cycle is equivalent to (facing) Recycle & Slither. EN: 155
    2 x 2 $B$+$i(B, Cross Cycle $B$O(B (facing) Recycle & Slither $B$HF1$8$G$9(B. JP: 155
    Från en 2 x 2, är Cross Cycle ekvivalent med (facing) Recycle & Slither. SE: 155
    Z formace 2 x 2 je Cross Cycle ekvivalentní k (facing) Recycle & Slither. CZ: 155
    起始队形为 2 x 2 时, Cross Cycle 等同于 (facing) Recycle & Slither. CH: 155
  • From a Mini-Wave Box, Cross Cycle is equivalent to Trail Off. EN: 160
    Mini Wave $B$N(B Box $B$+$i(B, Cross Cycle $B$O(B Trail Off $B$HF1$8$G$9(B. JP: 160
    Från en Mini-Wave Box, är Cross Cycle ekvivalent med Trail Off. SE: 160
    Z formace Mini-Wave Box je Cross Cycle ekvivalentní k Trail Off. CZ: 160
    起始队形为 Mini-Wave Box 时, Cross Cycle 等同于 Trail Off. CH: 160
  • From a Box consisting of one Couple and one L-H Mini-Wave, it is illegal to call Cross Cycle and expect the Couple to work Mirror. The caller must explicitly say Mirror Cross CycleEN: 170
    Mirror $B$GF0$/$h$&$K4|BT$9$k$3$H$O(B, $B@5$7$/$"$j$^$;$s(B. $B%3!<%i!<$O$O$C$-$j$H(B Mirror Cross Cycle $B$H8@$&$Y$-$G$9(B. JP: 170
    Från en Box som består av ett Couple och en L-H Mini-Wave, är det inte tillåtet att calla Cross Cycle och förvänta sig att de som är ett Couple skall arbeta Mirror. Callern måste explicit säga Mirror Cross CycleSE: 170
    Nelze callerovat Cross Cycle z formace sestávající­ z jednoho páru a jedné levé Mini-Wave a předpokládat, že Couple bude pracovat Mirror. Caller musí explicitně říct Mirror Cross CycleCZ: 170
    起始队形为一个 Couple 和一个左手 Mini-Wave 组成的 Box 时, 喊 Cross Cycle 并期望做为 Couple 的舞者做一个 Mirror Cross Cycle, 这样是不合定义的. 口令员必须明示地喊 Mirror Cross CycleCH: 170

From a 2 x 4, the term Split Cross Cycle should be used for the 2 x 2 version of the call. EN: 180
2 x 4 $B$+$i(B, Split Cross Cycle $B$N8@$$J}$O(B 2 x 2 $B$N(B version $B$N%3!<%k$N$?$a$K;H$o$l$k$Y$-$G$9(B. JP: 180
Från en 2 x 4, bör termen Split Cross Cycle användas för 2 x 2 versionen av detta call. SE: 180
Z formace 2 x 4 by se měl používat název Split Cross Cycle, pokud se má figura provést v každé části. CZ: 180
起始队形为 2 x 4 时, 若要做 2 x 2 队形的 Cross Cycle, 应使用 Split Cross Cycle. CH: 180

before före před
Split Cross Cycle
$B$NA0(B 之前
after efter po
$B8e(B 之后

All 8 Cross Cycle [obsolete]:
From a 1/4 Line: Cross Concentric Cross Cycle. Ends in a 1/4 Line. Most callers instead say Cross Concentric Cross Cycle. All 8 Cross Cycle is analogous to All 8 Recycle [C1]. EN: 769
1/4 Line $B$+$i(B, Cross Concentric Cross Cycle $B$r$7$^$9(B. 1/4 Line $B$G=*$o$j$^$9(B. $B$[$H$s$I$N%3!<%i!<$O(B, $BBe$o$j$K(B Cross Concentric Cross Cycle $B$r;H$$$^$9(B. All 8 Cross Cycle $B$O(B All 8 Recycle [C1] $B$HF1$8$h$&$J;H$o$lJ}$G$9(B. JP: 769
Från en 1/4 Line: Cross Concentric Cross Cycle. Slutar i en 1/4 Line. De flesta caller nuförtiden callar detta som Cross Concentric Cross Cycle. All 8 Cross Cycle är analogt med All 8 Recycle [C1]. SE: 769
Z formace 1/4 Line: Cross Concentric Cross Cycle. Končí v 1/4 Line. Většina callerů říká prostě jen Cross Concentric Cross Cycle. All 8 Cross Cycle je analogie k All 8 Recycle [C1]. CZ: 769
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