Language: 言語 Språk: Jazyk:  All | |
From a Static Set (or from the
formation obtained from a Static Set after Heads Step into the Center)
or from a Wave between and perpendicular to Facing Couples. Static Set から (または Static Set から Heads Step into the Center をして得られる formation) または向かい合ったカップルの間で直角になっている Wave から. Från en Static Square (eller från den formation man får
från en Static Square efter att Heads har stigit in i Center) eller
från en Wave mellan och vinkelrät mot Facing Couples. Z formace Static Set (nebo z formace získané ze Static Set po Heads Step into the Center)
nebo z formace Wave, která je kolmá a mezi dvěma Facing Couples.
- Centers or those designated Arm Turn 3/4; Centers または指示された人が Arm Turn 3/4 をして, Centers eller de som pekas ut Arm Turn 3/4; Centers, nebo ti označení, Arm Turn 3/4;
- all Triple Cross; 全員で Triple Cross
をし, alla Triple Cross; všichni Triple Cross;
- Peel Off.
Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.
Spin The Pulley is a 3-part call. 平行な Two-Faced Line で終わります.
Spin The Pulley は 3 パートのコールです. Slutar i Parallel Two-Faced Lines.
Spin The Pulley är ett 3-delars call. Končí v Parallel Two-Faced Lines.
Spin The Pulley má tři části.
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| before före před Spin The Pulley の前 | | after efter po Centers Arm Turn 3/4 (1/3)の後 | | after efter po Triple Cross (2/3)の後 | | after efter po Peel Offの後 (done) (終わり) (klart) (hotovo) |
Spin The Pulley But anything [C3A]:
Do a Spin The Pulley but
the Peel Off with the anything call. Spin The Pulley をしますが, Peel Off を anything call で
Replace します. Gör en Spin The Pulley men


 Peel Off med anything callet. Udělejte Spin The Pulley, ale Replace

Peel Off figurou anything.
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| before före před Spin The Pulley But Checkmate の前 | | after efter po Centers Arm Turn 3/4の後 | | after efter po Triple Crossの後 | | after efter po Checkmateの後 (done) (終わり) (klart) (hotovo) |
anything The Pulley [C3A]:
Do the anything call,
then Finish a Spin The Pulley (Triple Cross; Peel Off).
Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. anything call をして,
Finish a Spin The Pulley (Triple Cross, Peel Off) をします.平行な Two-Faced Line で終わります. Gör anything callet,

 sedan Finish

 en Spin The Pulley (Triple Cross; Peel Off).

 Slutar i Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Udělejte figuru anything,

pak Finish a Spin The Pulley (Triple Cross; Peel Off).

Končí v Parallel Two-Faced Lines.
anything The Pulley But anything [C3A]:
Do the first anything call; Triple Cross;
do the second anything call. 始めの anything call をして, Triple Cross をし, 2 番目の anything call をします. Gör först anything callet; Triple Cross;

 gör det andra anything callet. Udělejte první figuru anything; Triple Cross;

udělejte druhou figuru anything.
| Page translated by David Tesař. |