From applicable Tidal Lines or applicable Parallel Lines.
EN: 10 $BE,@Z$J(B Tidal Line $B$^$?$O(B, $BE,@Z$JJ?9T$J(B Line $B$+$i(B.
JP: 10 Från tillämpliga Tidal Lines eller tillämpliga Parallel Lines.
SE: 10 起始队形为可适用的 Tidal Lines 或可适用的 Parallel Lines.
CH: 10
anything 'Em Up [C3BV]:
Centers Hinge as Outsides
Counter Rotate 1/4;
Centers Lockit as Outsides Roll.
I.e., do the last 3/4 of a Lock 'Em Up.
EN: 816 Hinge;
Centers $B$O(B Hinge $B$r(B,
Outsides $B$O(B
Counter Rotate 1/4 $B$r$7(B;
Centers $B$O(B Lockit $B$r(B, Outsides $B$O(B Roll $B$r$7$^$9(B.
$B$9$J$o$A(B, Lock 'Em Up $B$N8e$N(B 3/4 $B$r$7$^$9(B.
JP: 816 Hinge;

Centers Hinge medan Outsides
Counter Rotate 1/4;

 Centers Lockit medan Outsides Roll.

T.ex., gör de sista 3/4 av en Lock 'Em Up.
SE: 816