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Cross & Wheel FAMILY [C2]
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Cross & Wheel As Couples Hinge; As Couples Step & Fold.
Cross Trade & Wheel As Couples Hinge; Very Centers Trade; As Couples Step & Fold.
Grand Cross Trade & Wheel As Couples Hinge; Triple Trade; As Couples Step & Fold.
Single Cross & Wheel Hinge; Step & Fold.
Single Cross Trade & Wheel Hinge; Centers Trade; Step & Fold.
Grand Single Cross & Wheel Hinge; Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold as Others Step Thru). (die Very Ends tanzen ein Fold, während die Anderen ein Step Thru tanzen). (Very Ends Fold medan de andra Step Thru). (Very Ends Fold, ostatní Step Thru).
Grand Single Cross Trade & Wheel Hinge; Center pairs of dancers Trade; Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold as Others Step Thru). Hinge; die Center Paare (ohne die Very Ends) tanzen ein Trade; Grand Step & Fold (die Very Ends tanzen ein Fold, während die Anderen ein Step Thru tanzen). Hinge; Center pairs of dancers Trade; Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold medan de andra Step Thru). Hinge; středové dvojice tanečníků Trade; Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold, ostatníStep Thru).

Cross & Wheel [C2]: From Parallel Lines consisting of Couples (e.g., Parallel Two-Faced Lines, Out-Facing Lines, etc.). As Couples Hinge; As Couples Step & Fold. Usually ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Cross & Wheel is a 2-part call. Aus parallelen Lines, welche Couples enthalten (z. B. Parallel Two-Faced Lines, Out-Facing Lines, usw.). As Couples Hinge; As Couples Step & Fold. Endet gewöhnlich in parallelen Two-Faced Lines. Cross & Wheel ist ein 2-teiliger Call. Från Parallel Lines som består av Couples (t.ex, Parallel Two-Faced Lines, Out-Facing Lines, etc.). As Couples Hinge; As Couples Step & Fold. Slutar vanligtvis i Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Cross & Wheel är ett 2-delars call. Z formace Parallel Lines sestávající z Couples (tzn. Parallel Two-Faced Lines, Out-Facing Lines apod.). As Couples Hinge; As Couples Step & Fold. Obvykle končí v Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Figura Cross & Wheel má dvě části.

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Cross & Wheel
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As Couples Hinge
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As Couples Step & Fold
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Cross Trade & Wheel [C2]: From applicable Parallel Lines. As Couples Hinge; Very Centers Trade; As Couples Step & Fold. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Cross Trade & Wheel is a 3-part call. Aus passenden parallelen Lines. As Couples Hinge; Very Centers Trade; As Couples Step & Fold. Endet in parallelen Two-Faced Lines. Cross Trade & Wheel ist ein 3-teiliger Call. Från tillämpliga Parallel Lines. As Couples Hinge; Very Centers Trade; As Couples Step & Fold. Slutar i Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Cross Trade & Wheel är ett 3-delars call. Z vhodných Parallel Lines. As Couples Hinge; Very Centers Trade; As Couples Step & Fold. Končí v Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Figura Cross Trade & Wheel má tři části.

Grand Cross Trade & Wheel [C2]: From applicable Parallel Lines. As Couples Hinge; Triple Trade; As Couples Step & Fold. Ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Grand Cross Trade & Wheel is a 3-part call. Aus passenden parallelen Lines. As Couples Hinge; Triple Trade; As Couples Step & Fold. Endet in parallelen Two-Faced Lines. Grand Cross Trade & Wheel ist ein 3-teiliger Call. Från tillämpliga Parallel Lines. As Couples Hinge; Triple Trade; As Couples Step & Fold. Slutar i Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Grand Cross Trade & Wheel är ett 3-delars call. Z vhodných Parallel Lines. As Couples Hinge; Triple Trade; As Couples Step & Fold. Končí v Parallel Two-Faced Lines. Figura Grand Cross Trade & Wheel má tři části.

Single Cross & Wheel [C2]: From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2. Hinge; Step & Fold. Ends in a 2 x 2. Single Cross & Wheel is a 2-part call. Aus einer (nicht T-Bone) 2 x 2. Hinge; Step & Fold. Endet in einer 2 x 2. Single Cross & Wheel ist ein 2-teiliger Call. Från en icke-T-Bone 2 x 2. Hinge; Step & Fold. Slutar i en 2 x 2. Single Cross & Wheel är ett 2-delars call. Z ne T-Bone 2 x 2 formací. Hinge; Step & Fold. Končí v 2 x 2. Figura Single Cross & Wheel má dvě části.

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Single Cross & Wheel
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Step & Fold
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Single Cross Trade & Wheel [C2]: From a non-T-Bone 2 x 2. Hinge; Centers Trade; Step & Fold. Usually ends in a Mini-Wave Box. Single Cross Trade & Wheel is a 3-part call. Aus einer (nicht T-Bone) 2 x 2. Hinge; Centers Trade; Step & Fold. Endet gewöhnlich in einer Mini-Wave Box. Single Cross Trade & Wheel ist ein 3-teiliger Call. Från en icke-T-Bone 2 x 2. Hinge; Centers Trade; Step & Fold. Slutar vanligtvis i en Mini-Wave Box. Single Cross Trade & Wheel är ett 3-delars call. Z ne T-Bone 2 x 2 formací. Hinge; Centers Trade; Step & Fold. Obvykle končí v Mini-Wave Box. Figura Single Cross Trade & Wheel má tři části.

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Single Cross Trade & Wheel
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Centers Trade
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Step & Fold
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Variation: since the original definition of Single Cross Trade & Wheel was not too precise, the following historical usage is still allowed... Variation: Da die originale Definition von Single Cross Trade & Wheel nicht allzu präzise ist, ist die folgende historische Verwendung immer noch erlaubt: Variant: eftersom den ursprungliga definitionen för Single Cross Trade & Wheel inte var alltför exakt är följande historiska användning fortfarande tillåten... Variace: protože původní definice Single Cross Trade & Wheel nebyla úplně přesná, následující historické použití je stále možné...

From an Aus einer Från en Z Inverted Box:

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Single Cross Trade & Wheel
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Centers Trade
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Ends Fold
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Some callers believe the above variation should be illegal since if you followed the general definition, dancers would end on the same spot (i.e., the Centers would Step Ahead as the Ends would Fold into the same spot). Einige Caller sind der Meinung, daß die obige Variation illegal ist, weil Tänzer auf dem gleichen Platz enden würden, wenn man der allgemeinen Definition folgt (d. h. die Centers würden ein Step Ahead tanzen, während die Ends ein Fold auf den gleichen Platz tanzen würden). En del caller anser att varianten ovan inte skulle vara tillåten eftersom om du föjer den generella definitionen skulle dansarna sluta på samma position (dvs, Centers skulle Step Ahead medan Ends skulle göra Fold till samma position). Někteří calleři věří, že výše zmíněné by nemělo být legální, protože pokud by se šlo podle zobecněné definice, tanečníci by skončili na stejném místě (tzn. Centers by udělali Step Ahead a Ends by udělali Fold na stejné místo).

Grand Single Cross Trade & Wheel [C2] (Lee Kopman): From Columns of {n}, where n is greater than or equal to 3. Hinge; Center pairs of dancers Trade (Grand Slip); Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold as Others Step Thru). Ends in Parallel Lines. Grand Single Cross Trade & Wheel is a 3-part call. Aus Columns of {n}, wobei n größer oder gleich 3 sein muß. Hinge; die Center Paare (ohne die Very Ends) tanzen ein Trade (Grand Slip); Grand Step & Fold (die Very Ends tanzen ein Fold, während die Anderen ein Step Thru tanzen). Endet in parallelen Lines. Grand Single Cross Trade & Wheel ist ein 3-teiliger Call. Från Columns om {n}, där n är större än eller lika med 3. Hinge; Center paren Trade (Grand Slip); Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold medan de andra Step Thru). Slutar i Parallel Lines. Grand Single Cross Trade & Wheel är ett 3-delars call. Z formace Columns of {n}, kde n je větší nebo rovno 3. Hinge; středové páry tanečníků Trade (Grand Slip); Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold, ostatní Step Thru). Končí v Parallel Lines. Figura Grand Single Cross Trade & Wheel má tři části.

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Grand Single Cross Trade & Wheel
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Hinge & Grand Slip
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Grand Step & Fold
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Grand Single Cross & Wheel [C2]: From Columns. Hinge; Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold as Others Step Thru). Grand Single Cross & Wheel is a 2-part call. Aus Columns. Hinge; Grand Step & Fold (die Very Ends tanzen ein Fold, während die Anderen ein Step Thru tanzen). Grand Single Cross & Wheel ist ein 2-teiliger Call. Från Columns. Hinge; Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold medan de andra Step Thru). Grand Single Cross & Wheel är ett 2-delars call. Z formace Columns. Hinge; Grand Step & Fold (Very Ends Fold, ostatní Step Thru). Figura Grand Single Cross & Wheel má dvě části.

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Grand Single Cross & Wheel
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Grand Step & Fold
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Note: Since the Cross & Wheel variants with Trade are more common than those without, dancers frequently call out "no Trade" as a memory aid on Cross & Wheel, Single Cross & Wheel, and Grand Single Cross & Wheel. Hinweis: Da die Cross & Wheel Varianten mit Trade gebräuchlicher sind, als die ohne, rufen die Tänzer bei Cross & Wheel, Single Cross & Wheel und Grand Single Cross & Wheel oft "no Trade" als Gedächtnishilfe. Notera: Eftersom Cross & Wheel varianter med Trade är mer vanliga än de utan, ropar dansarna ofta som stöd för minnet "no Trade" vid Cross & Wheel, Single Cross & Wheel och Grand Single Cross & Wheel. Poznámka: Protože variace Cross & Wheel s Trade jsou běžnější, tanečníci často křičí "no Trade" jako pomůcka pro Cross & Wheel, Single Cross & Wheel, a Grand Single Cross & Wheel.

Grand Cross Trade And anything [C2V]: As Couples Hinge; Center 6 Trade; all do the anything call. The anything call replaces the As Couples Step & Fold. This variant is somewhat obscure and is only used by a few callers. As Couples Hinge; Center 6 Trade; alle tanzen den anything Call. Der anything Call ersetzt das As Couples Step & Fold. Diese Variante ist etwas unbekannt und wird nur von wenigen Callern benutzt. As Couples Hinge; Center 6 Trade; alla gör anything callet. Anything callet ersätter As Couples Step & Fold. Denna variant är något tveksam och används bara av några få caller. As Couples Hinge; Center 6 Trade; všichni udělají figuru anything. Figura anything nahrazuje As Couples Step & Fold. Tato varianta je poněkud obskurní a používaná jen několika málo callery.

See also Siehe auch Se också Viz také Step & Fold [C1].

CALLERLAB definition for Cross and Wheel
CALLERLAB definition for Cross Trade and Wheel
CALLERLAB definition for Grand Cross Trade and Wheel
CALLERLAB definition for Single Cross and Wheel
CALLERLAB definition for Single Cross Trade and Wheel
CALLERLAB definition for Grand Single Cross and Wheel
CALLERLAB definition for Grand Single Cross Trade and Wheel

Choreography for Cross & Wheel FAMILY

Comments? Questions? Suggestions?Page translated by David Tesař.

17-February-2025 03:28:14
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