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From Facing Lines (or a R-H Tidal Wave). Aus Facing Lines (oder einer R-H Tidal Wave). Från Facing Lines (eller en R-H Tidal Wave). Z formace Facing Lines (nebo R-H Tidal Wave).
- Concentric Pass In;
- Ends Pass In as Centers Pass Out; Ends Pass In, während die Centers Pass Out; Ends Pass In medan Centers Pass Out; Ends Pass In, Centers Pass Out;
- all Pass In. alle Pass In. alla Pass In. všichni Pass In.
Ends in Facing Lines. Endet in Facing Lines. Slutar i Facing Lines. Končí ve formaci Facing Lines.
Chisel Thru is a 3-part call. Chisel Thru ist ein 3-teiliger Call. Chisel Thru är ett 3-delars call. Chisel Thru má tři části.
Alternative definition: Concentric Pass In; Split Pass In; Pass In. Alternative Definition: Concentric Pass in; Split Pass In; Pass In. Alternativ definition: Concentric Pass In; Split Pass In; Pass In Alternativní definice: Concentric Pass In; Split Pass In; Pass In.
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| before vor före před Chisel Thru
| | after nach efter po Concentric Pass In (1/3 Chisel Thru) | | after nach efter po Split Pass In (2/3 Chisel Thru) | | after nach efter po Pass In (done) (fertig) (klart) (hotovo) |
Hints: Tips: Tips: Rady:
Centers think In-Out-In: Pass In; Pass Out; Pass In. Centers denken In - Out - In: Pass In; Pass Out; Pass In. Centers tänker In-Out-In: Pass In; Pass Out; Pass In. Centers uvažují jako In-Out-In: Pass In; Pass Out; Pass In.
Ends think In-In-In: Concentric Pass In; Pass In; Pass In. Ends denken In - In - In: Concentric Pass In; Pass In; Pass In. Ends tänker In-In-In: Concentric Pass In; Pass In; Pass In. Ends uvažují jako In-In-In: Concentric Pass In; Pass In; Pass In.
From Facing Lines, you start & end with the same partner. Aus Facing Lines endest Du mit demselben Partner, mit dem Du begonnen hast. Från Facing Lines, börjar och slutar du med samma partner. Pokud začínáte z formace Facing Lines, začnete a skončíte s tím samým partnerem.
Callers often Replace the final Pass In with another call. Callers ersetzen oft den abschließenden Pass In mit einem anderen Call. Caller byter ofta ut den slutliga Pass In mot ett annat call. Calleři často nahradí (Replace ) poslední Pass In jinou figurou.
Split Pass In [NOL]:
From Facing Couples or other applicable formations. Pass Thru;
1/4 In (i.e., working in your 4-dancer setup do a Pass In). Aus Facing Couples oder anderen passenden Formationen.

 Pass Thru; 1/4 In (d.h. tanze ein Pass In bezogen auf Deine 4-Tänzer Formation). Från Facing Couples eller andra tillämpliga

 formationer. Pass Thru; 1/4 In (dvs, arbeta i din 4-dansare uppställning

 och gör en Pass In). Z formace Facing Couples nebo dalších vhodných. Pass Thru;

1/4 In (tzn. ve svém boxu čtyř tanečníků provedete Pass In).
| Page translated by David Tesař. |