Lyrics provided for informational and educational purposes only.
Lyrics are subject to all U.S. copyright laws and remain property of their respective owners.

Joy In My Heart    (1925)

I have the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart
Down in my heart
Down in my heart
I have the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart
Down in my heart to stay

I have the peace that passeth understanding
Down in my heart
Down in my heart
Down in my heart
I have the peace that passeth understanding
Down in my heart
Down in my heart to stay

I have the love of Jesus, love of Jesus
Down in my heart
Down in my heart
Down in my heart
I have the love of Jesus, love of Jesus
Down in my heart
Down in my heart to stay

For there is there-fore now no condemnation
Down in my heart
Down in my heart
Down in my heart
For there is there-fore now no condemnation
Down in my heart
Down in my heart to stay

Lyrics by George William Cooke.
Recorded by Cedarmont Kids; others.
George William Cooke was born in Yorkshire, England in 1884 and died in Jamestown, New York in 1951. He was the author of "Joy in My Heart" which was copyrighted in 1925 (but not renewed).

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