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I'm Just Wild About Harry    (1921)

I'm just wild about Harry
And Harry's wild about me!
The heav'nly blisses of his kisses,
Fills me with ecstasy!

He's sweet just like chocolate candy,
Or like the honey from the bee
Oh, I'm just wild about Harry,
And he's just wild about me.

Now I'm just wild about Harry
And Harry's wild about me!
The heav'nly blisses of his kisses,
Fills me with ecstasy!

Say now he's sweet just like chocolate candy,
Or like the honey from a bee
Oh, I'm just wild about Harry,
And he's just wild about, cannot do without,
He's just wild about me.

Lyrics by Noble Sissle.
Composed by Eubie Blake.
Recorded by Marion Harris; Judy Garland.
Featured in the 1921 Broadway musical "Shuffle Along".

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