Lyrics provided for informational and educational purposes only.
Lyrics are subject to all U.S. copyright laws and remain property of their respective owners.

I'm Sitting On Top Of The World    (1925)

I'm sitting on top of the world,
Just rolling along, just rolling along.
I'm quitting the blues of the world,
Just singing a song, just singing a song.

Glory, hallelujah, I just phoned the parson,
"Hey, Par, get ready to call!"
Just like Humpty Dumpty,
I'm ready to fall.

I'm sitting on top of the world,
Just rolling along, just rolling along.
I'm quitting the blues of the world,
Just singing a song, just singing a song

Lyrics by Sam Lewis and Joseph Young.
Composed by Ray Henderson.
Recorded by Les Paul and Mary Ford (1953).

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