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Poor Boy    (1956)

They call me poor boy, poor boy, poor boy
But I ain't lonesome and I ain't blue
'Cause I could never be a poor boy
As long as I've got a dolly like you

Ain't got a crust, ain't got a cent
Can't buy a jug, can't pay the rent
I got a heartfull of dreams
And a lot of memories
And that's enough for me

Can't buy a house, can't buy a lot
Ain't got a bean, I ain't got a pot
But what I got is a heartfull of
Love and memories
And that's enough for me

Don't have a pig, don't have a cow
I don't have a horse to pull a plow
But what I got is a heartfull of
Love and memories
And that's enough for me

Lyrics by Vera Matson.
Recorded by Elvis Presley.

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