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Aw! Shucks Baby    (1957)

Aw! Shucks, shucks baby
You just made this my happy day
I've been biting on my nails, pulling out my hair
I just found out how much you care
Aw! Shucks, shucks baby
I didn't know you felt that way

Aw! Shucks, shucks baby
There'll be no more skies of grey
I was shaken as a lamb in a raging storm
But now I've got your arms to keep me warm
Aw! Shucks, shucks baby
I didn't know you felt that way

Hot-diggety-dog and holy cow
I'm gonna make you happy now
Holy Moses and rooty-toot
You'll get all of my lovin', you can bet your boots

Aw! Shucks, shucks baby
You make everything seem so gay
Every face I see is all aglow
Since you put me in your heart and you locked the door
Aw! Shucks, shucks baby
I'm glad you felt that way

Hot-diggety-dog and holy cow
I'm gonna make you happy now
Holy Moses and rooty-toot
You'll get all of my lovin', you can bet your boots

Aw! Shucks, shucks baby
You make everything seem so gay
Every face I see is all aglow
Since you put me in your heart and you locked the door
Aw! Shucks, shucks baby
I'm glad you felt that way

Aw! Shucks, shucks baby
I'm glad you felt that way

Lyrics by Eddie Cooley.
Recorded by Tiny Topsy; Bull Moose Jackson.

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