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Mama's Got The Catfish Blues    (1976)

I ain't had a bite 'cause the moon's too bright
I wish I had a big one or two
My crock line's set and my hooks are all wet
And mama's got the catfish blues

Don't like to see her unhappy
She treats me like a water tree
I hate to see mama with the catfish blues
And the catfish are layin' in the river asleep

There's a bottle of wine layin' easy on my mind
I dug enough bait to catch a few
My reeling's wet but I cannot forget
Mama's got the catfish blues

There's a turtle on the stump and the toad-frog jump
And I guess, I could gig me a few
In settlin' fog I caught a big water dog
Mama's got the catfish blues

I don't like to see her unhappy
She treats me like a water tree
I hate to see mama with the catfish blues
And the catfish are layin' in the river asleep

There's a bottle of wine layin' easy on my mind
I dug enough bait to catch a few
My reeling's wet but I cannot forget
Mama's got the catfish blues, yeah

Lyrics by Tom T. Hall.
Recorded by Tom T. Hall.

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