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Lida Rose    (1957)

Lida Rose, I'm home again, Rose
To get the sun back in my sky
Lida Rose, I'm home again, Rose
About a thousand kisses shy

Ding, dong, ding
I can hear the chapel bell chime
Ding, dong, ding
At the least suggestion
I'll pop the question

Lida Rose, I'm home again, Rose
Without a sweetheart to my name
Lida Rose, now everyone knows
That I am hoping you're the same

So here is my love song
Not fancy or fine
Lida Rose, oh won't you be....
Mine, Lida Rose, oh Lida Rose
Lida Rose, oh Lida Rose
Lida Rose, oh Lida Rose
Lida Rose, oh Lida Rose

Lyrics by Meredith Willson.
Composed by Meredith Willson.
Recorded by The Buffalo Bills.

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