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Katy Did    (1972)

Two sisters lived alone out in the country
Their names were Katy and her sister Liz
They farmed to raise the food that graced their table
Liz never went to town but Katy did

Katy went to town each Saturday morning
To sell the eggs and buy for her and Liz
Their only needs just some salt and sugar
They grew the rest, her and sister Liz

Liz never went to town like Katy did
Liz never knew a man, but Katy did
For I saw them one evening when they thought they were hid
And you should've seen the things that him and Katy did

I walked by Liz and Katy's house each evening
Through the woods on my way home from school
Then one evening Katy smiled and spoke so softly
As I stood there blushing like a fool

Then she asked me if I'd like to have some cookies
That she baked for her and sister Liz
Then as Katy took me in their kitchen
I never closed the door, but Katy did

She took my hand and my heart beat so wildly
I sound like coffee a-perking with no lid
And I shook so bad, I even dropped my cookies
I didn't know of love, but Katy did

Liz never knew a man, but Katy did
She said it's lonely here with sister Liz
But I just kept on eatin' cookies, I was just a dumb kid
I wish I'd known of love back then like Katy did

Oh, I wish I'd known of love back then like Katy did

Lyrics by Porter Wagoner.
Recorded by Porter Wagoner.

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