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Always Late (With Your Kisses)    (1951)

Always late with your kisses
Won't you come to my arms, sweet darling and stay
Always late with your kisses
Why, oh why, do you want to do me this way?

How long do you think I can wait
When you know you're always late
Always late with your kisses
Why oh why do you want to do me this way?

Always late with your kisses
Won't you come to my arms, sweet darling and stay
Always late with your kisses
Why, oh why, do you want to do me this way?

How long do you think I can wait
When you know you're always late
Always late with your kisses
Why, why, why, do you want to do me this way?

Lyrics by Lefty Frizzell and Blackie Crawford.
Recorded by Lefty Frizzell; Merle Haggard.

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