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What A Lonesome Life It's Been    (1959)

Well with a click of the phone your voice is gone and I'm all alone again
Whoa me, what a lonesome life it's been
When I called you each day, the things you'd say
Make me feel like living again
Whoa me, what a lonesome life it's been

Tonight when I hold you will it be for the last time
Is it love or a past-time for you?

With a kiss goodnight you walk from sight
While the doubts come crowding in
Whoa me, what a lonesome life it's been

Well with a click of the phone your voice is gone and I'm all alone again
Whoa me, what a lonesome life it's been
When I called you each day, the things you'd say
Make me feel like living again
Whoa me, what a lonesome life it's been

Tonight when I hold you will it be for the last time
Is it love or a past-time for you?

With a kiss goodnight you walk from sight
While the doubts come crowding in
Whoa me, what a lonesome life it's been

Lyrics by Cliff Crawford.
Recorded by Skeets McDonald.

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