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Triangle    (1963)

Triangle untangle, don't mingle, don't mangle
I can't handle you all alone
For I can't untangle this crazy triangle
Triangle untangle, don't turn me to stone

I want her, she wants me and he wants her, too
He loves her, she loves me, what good does it do?
My life's a triangle that I can't untangle
Untangle triangle, stop making me blue

I used every angle to end this triangle
But I'm getting nowhere, I know
I just get in deeper, the loser, the weeper
Triangle untangle, show me where to go

I want her, she wants me and he wants her, too
He loves her, she loves me, what good does it do?
My life's a triangle that I can't untangle
Untangle triangle, stop making me blue

I want her, she wants me and he wants her, too
He loves her, she loves me, what good does it do?
My life's a triangle that I can't untangle
Untangle triangle, stop making me blue

My life's a triangle that I can't untangle
Untangle triangle, stop making me blue

Lyrics by Jean Chapel.
Recorded by Carl Smith.

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