Lyrics provided for informational and educational purposes only.
Lyrics are subject to all U.S. copyright laws and remain property of their respective owners.

From The Word Go    (1988)

My kind of walking the line
Was down the side of the highway
I thought I'd never get caught
In the kind of love where I'd stay
Then I ran into you
And my running was through

From the word go
I knew I'd found
Where the road ends and love begins
From the word go
I knew I'd never go again

So many places I've been
Lord knows the walking shoes I've worn out
But I knew after being with you
I'd never been nowhere before now
All it took was a touch
To stop my heart and start love

From the word go
I knew I'd found
Where the road ends and love begins
From the word go
I knew I'd never go again

You stopped me right in my tracks
There was no going back

From the word go
I knew I'd found
Where the road ends and love begins
From the word go
I knew I'd never go again

From the word go
I knew I'd found
Where the road ends and love begins
From the word go
I knew I'd never go again

Lyrics by Michael Garvin and Chris Waters.
Recorded by Michael Martin Murphey.

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