Lyrics provided for informational and educational purposes only.
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Black Eyed Susan Brown    (1933)

Soon I'll go to a little sunny spot I know
Way down south in heaven, heavenly Dixieland
Wanna sing, wanna sing about a gorgeous thing
Oh, she's marvelous, she's grand, but you don't understand

If you care for something sweet in a gingham gown
Give yourself a break and meet Black-Eyed Susan Brown
Who can choose that southern drawl when she comes around
Get you in that "How you-all", Black-Eyed Susan Brown

"Sugar stuff", "sure enough", you'll get a thrill
You won't know what you're missing until (you meet her)
Who's the sweetest company when the sun goes down
No one but that heavenly Black-Eyed Susan Brown

Lyrics by Herb Magidson.
Composed by Al Goodhart and Al Hoffman.
Recorded by Hoosier Hot Shots.

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