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They Go Wild, Simply Wild, Over Me    (1917)

I hate to talk about myself but here's one time I must
Your confidence I'll trust, I have to speak or bust
It's funny how I get the girls, I never try at all
I seem to hypnotize them, I'm bound to make them fall

They go wild, simply wild, over me
They go mad, just as mad as they can be
No matter where I'm at, all the ladies thin or fat
The tall ones, the small ones, I grab them off like that

Every night how they fight over me
I don't know what it is that they can see
The ladies look at me and sigh, in my arms they want to die
They go wild, simply wild, over me

They go wild, simply wild, over me
They go mad, just as mad as they can be
No matter where I'm at, all the ladies thin or fat
The tall ones, the small ones, I grab them off like that

Every night how they fight over me
I don't know what it is that they can see
Once I kissed a girl named Nell, now she's in a padded cell
They go wild, simply wild, over me

I get so many pretty girls I give a few away
They bother me each day, they're leading me astray
There's lots of fellows go with girls and never get their drift
I always get the women, it's just a natural gift

They go wild, simply wild, over me
They go mad, just as foolish as can be
I meet so many kind I have to leave a few behind
They love me, they kiss me, I guess they must be blind

Every night how they fight over me
They all fall for my personality
An old maid kissed my hand last night, I know when she has teeth she bites!
She went wild, simply wild, over me

They go wild, simply wild, over me
They go mad, just as foolish as can be
I meet so many kind I have to leave a few behind
They love me, they kiss me, I guess they must be blind

Every night how they fight over me
They all fall for my personality
I'm not good looking, it is true, but it's the little things I do
That make them wild, simply wild, over me

Lyrics by Joe McCarthy.
Composed by Fred Fisher.
Recorded by Billy Murray; Marion Harris; Jerry Lewis.

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