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Dance Me Around Cowboy    (1982)

Dance me around cowboy
Play with my feelings tonight
When they close the doors, will you open yours?
Dance me around cowboy

I'm only in Texas for one night
But I want to know if what I hear is right
Cowboys are mean, wild as a cat
But gentle with women when they take off their hat

Dance me around cowboy
Play with my feelings tonight
When they close the doors, will you open yours?
Dance me around cowboy

You must be this Lone Star ???
When ladies like me don't act this way
What I fantasize right now would confuse
Spending tonight being loved by you

Dance me around cowboy
Play with my feelings tonight
When they close the doors, will you open yours?
Dance me around cowboy

Dance me around cowboy

Lyrics by R.C. Bannon.
Recorded by Louise Mandrell.

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