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Everything I Touch Turns To Sugar    (1973)

There was a time when life seemed like a bother
And my main purpose was to fill up space
Then I met you and things began to happen
And now I love the whole darn human race

Everything I touch turns to sugar
Every face I see has a smile
Everything I touch turns to sugar
And I love you like it's going out of style

Since loving you my life has changed completely
I believe in giving credit where it's due
I've noticed that mankind has got much kinder
And I'd like to tell the world what love can do

Everything I touch turns to sugar
Every face I see has a smile
Everything I touch turns to sugar
And I love you like it's going out of style

Everything I touch turns to sugar
Every face I see has a smile
Everything I touch turns to sugar
And I love you like it's going out of style

Everything I touch turns to sugar
Every face I see has a smile

Lyrics by Kallie Jean Smith.
Recorded by Carl Smith.

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