Lyrics provided for informational and educational purposes only.
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Support Your Local Honky Tonks    (1976)

Our drummer makes a living selling Macy's shoes
The bassman was a barber till he got on the booze
We got our guitar picker from a rock group passing through
Now he's a part, we won his heart with Mule-Skinner Blues

Support your local honky tonks and hillbilly bands
They seem to be in danger by the culture of the land
Get out tonight and get half-tight, and give the boys a hand
Support your local honky tonks and hillbilly bands

There must be something good about this singing from the heart
Our songs are hard and hungry and you can tell 'em all apart
There's a little bit of everything in our li'l country songs
But we'll just pick and grin and sing whatever turns 'em on

Support your local honky tonks and hillbilly bands
They seem to be in danger by the culture of the land
Get out tonight and get half-tight, and give the boys a hand
Support your local honky tonks and hillbilly bands

Support your local honky tonks and hillbilly bands

Lyrics by Tom P. Willis and Ray D. Willis.
Recorded by Ronnie Sessions.

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