Lyrics provided for informational and educational purposes only.
Lyrics are subject to all U.S. copyright laws and remain property of their respective owners.

Near You    (1947)

There's just one place for me
Near you
It's like heaven to be
Near you

Times when we're apart
I can't face my heart
Say you'll never stray
More than just two lips away

If my hours could be spent
Near you
I'd be more than content
Near you

Make my life worthwhile
By telling me that I'll
Spend the rest of my days
Near you

Near you
Near you

Make my life worthwhile
By telling me that I'll
Spend the rest of my days
Near you

Spend the rest of my days
Near you

Lyrics by Kermit Goell.
Composed by Francis Craig.
Recorded by Francis Craig; George Jones and Tammy Wynette.

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