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The Hukilau Song    (1948)

Oh we're going to a hukilau
A huki huki huki huki hukilau
Everybody loves the hukilau
Where the laulau is the kaukau at the lu'au
We throw our nets out into the sea
And all the 'ama'ama come a swimming to me
Oh, we're going to a hukilau
A huki huki huki hukilau

What a beautiful day for fishing
That old Hawaiian way
Where the hukilau nets are swishing
Down in old La'ie bay

A huki huki huki huki hukilau
Everybody loves the hukilau
Where the laulau is the kaukau at the lu'au
We throw our nets out into the sea
And all the 'ama'ama come a swimming to me
Oh, we're going to a hukilau
A huki huki huki hukilau

Lyrics by Jack Owens.
Recorded by Jack Owens.

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