Lyrics provided for informational and educational purposes only.
Lyrics are subject to all U.S. copyright laws and remain property of their respective owners.

We Should Be Together, Together    (1974)

I think about you
When I don't want to
Dream about your smiling face
I keep trying not to love you
But I love you anyway

We should be together, together
We should be walking side by side
We should be together, together
Keeping each other satisfied

I have thought to come to know you
I've come to need your company
What will I do if I can't have you
If I can't have you
What will I do

We should be together, together
We should be walking side by side
We should be together, together
Keeping each other satisfied

We should be together, together
We should be walking side by side
We should be together, together
Keeping each other satisfied

Lyrics by Allen Reynolds.
Recorded by Don Williams.

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