Lyrics provided for informational and educational purposes only.
Lyrics are subject to all U.S. copyright laws and remain property of their respective owners.

Oh You Beautiful Doll    (1911)

Oh, you beautiful doll
You great big beautiful doll
Let me put my arms around you
I could never live without you

Oh, you beautiful doll
You great big beautiful doll
If you ever leave me
How my heart will ache
I want to hug you
But I fear you'd break
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
You beautiful doll

Oh, you beautiful doll
You great big beautiful doll
Let me put my arms around you
I could never live without you
Oh, you beautiful doll
You great big beautiful doll
If you ever leave me
How my heart will ache
I want to hug you
But I fear you'd break
Oh, oh, oh, oh,
You beautiful doll

Lyrics by A. Seymour Brown.
Composed by Nat D. Ayer.
Recorded by Eddie Cantor.

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