Lyrics provided for informational and educational purposes only.
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The Blue Skirt Waltz    (1944)

I dream of that night with you,
Darling, when we first met.
We danced in a world of blue.
How can my heart forget?

Blue were the skies, and blue were her eyes,
Just like the blue skirt she wore.
Come back, blue lady, come back;
Don't be blue any more.


I wandered alone one night
Till I heard an orchestra play
I wandered where lights were bright
Where people were carefree and gay.
You were the beautiful lady in blue;
I was in heaven just waltzing with you.
Come back, blue lady of mine.
Don't be blue anymore.

Lyrics by R.A. Dvorsky.
Recorded by Frank Yankovic (1949).
Republished in 1948 containing new material

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