Makeup And Faded Blue Jeans
  (Bounty 101)   Josh Frank
two columns

OPENER - CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
In downtown Modesto I was working the Holiday Inn
Allemande left with the corner, turn the partner by the right
The girls star left
Turn the partner by the right hand, a full turn around
Allemande left, swing and promenade
When she came in the front door
And found her a place to sit down

FIGURE    C4, corner progression

Heads square thru 4 hands around the ring you go, dosado
Swing thru tonight, boys run to the right and ferris wheel
Center two curlique, make a right hand star
Roll it, turn it, find the corner, swing that girl and promenade
Lights can do wonders for makeup and faded blue jeans


Sides face, grand spin
And the last thing I needed was somebody messing up my mind
So I found a hundred reasons for looking away one more time
She could cause me to sing bad and fall out of love with guitars
And blow all my chances at being a big singing star

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