Little Brown Gal
Ray Noble & His Orchestra; others 1935
  (Old Timer 205)   Mac McCullar
two columns


Go forward 8 then come back
4 ladies gonna chain 3/4 around
Let's all circle the ring
You just circle to the left
Go left allemande, now you promenade around
But don't slow down
Head two couples wheel around
Square thru 3 hands and then
Do a left allemande
Come back and promenade the ring
Promenade your hula girl from old Waikiki
Swing your little brown girl from Hawaii

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 8, corner progression

1 & 3 square thru 4 hands around you go
Swing thru two by two with the one you know
Boys run around one, wheel & deal you do
Right & left thru, turn your girl, dive thru
Square thru 3/4 round to the corner lady swing
Swing this little girl, promenade around the ring
Promenade your hula girl from old Waikiki
Swing your little brown girl from Hawaii

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 4

4 ladies forward and back, girls do a hula swing
4 ladies gonna chain 3/4 round that ole ring
Join hands and circle left and you go left allemande
Come back and promenade, walk around this big land
1 & 3 wheel around, square thru 3/4 you go
To the corner allemande, come back, promeno
Promenade your hula girl from old Waikiki
Swing your little brown girl from Hawaii

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Cue sheet: