You Can't Have My Love
  (Lore 1052)   Johnny Creel
two columns


Allemande left, go allemande thar, right & left and make a star
Men back up, make a right hand star for me
Shoot that star go full around, turn that corner right hand round
Men star left once around that ring for me
Same girl you box the gnat, then you're gonna swing
Allemande left that corner girl, come back and promenade
Pretty clothes and fancy car, you're not the cat you think you are
No you can't, no you can't have my love

FIGURE    A1, corner progression

Side 2 ladies chain across, turn her round and don't get lost
4 little ladies chain across that ring you go
Heads go forward back with you, dosado across from you
Make an ocean wave, rock it up and back you do
Swing thru go two by two, rock up and back again
Box the gnat and cross trail, that corner girl you swing
Promenade go round that world, take her home and tell that girl
No you can't, no you can't have my love

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Cue sheet: