  (Scope 526)   Dick Waibel
two columns


Heads promenade go halfway in time
In the middle pass thru, promenade left
Sides wheel in behind, tag along in fun
1 & 3 (2 & 4) wheel around, cross trail thru
Swing the corner lady two times and then
Allemande left new corner, weave around the ring
Toe-tappin', hand clappin', till you meet your maid
Dosado your lady and now promenade
Charleston, Charleston, love that Charleston
Normally, Norma loves me

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 1

All 4 ladies promenade round the inside ring
Turn your partner right a full turn you go
Left allemande the corner dosado at home
4 men star left in time
Star promenade go walkin' with your maid
Hubs back out a full turn and then circle left
Circle left in time and go left allemande
Dosado your girl and now promenade
Charleston, Charleston, love that Charleston
Normally, Norma loves me


Love that Charleston tune

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