My Baby Just Cares For (Swings With) Me
Eddie Cantor; Nina Simone 1928
  (Top 25022)   Joe Turner
two columns


Allemande left and that ain't all
Go right & left and don't you stall
The 4 gents star, go cross the land
Turn the opposite girl, left allemande
Partner right, go right & left grand
You'll never get to heaven diggin' in the sand
On your heel and on your toe
Dosado the girl you know
Box the gnat when you come down
Pull her by, you're corner bound
Allemande, come back and promenade
My baby don't care who knows it
My baby just swing with me

FIGURE    Basic, R-H lady progression

Head couples a right hand star
Full turn from where you are
*Same two right & left thru
**Turn your girl and pass back thru
***Separate and go round one
Right & left thru in the middle, son
Whirl away a 1/2 sashay and
Box the gnat across the way
Pull her by, left allemande
Walk by your own so grand
Swing the next girl, then you promenade
You promenade, hey maybe
This baby just swings with me


*Same two uncouple (see note below)
**Go right & left thru and turn your trouble
***Pass back thru and go round one

(Note: The first movement used in the figure is the recent (new) basic "Uncouple". If the caller wishes to use this designation to familiarize his dancers with the term and movement he may change the call words by substituting the ALTERNATE PATTER above.)

Uncouple: Two couples are in a right hand star. Go one full turn around in star and stop at exact place star was formed. Drop hands and face them; take the next call (whatever it is) with this same couple.

Data page:
Cue sheet: