Helena Polka
many 1881
  (Scope 571)   Jeanne Moody
two columns

BREAK (to be done after each figure)    C4

Sides face grand spin
Hi lic, hi lic
Hi lic, hi lic
Hi lic, hi lo
Hi lic, hi lic
Hi lic, hi lic
Hi lic, hi lo
Hi lic, hi lic, hi lic, hi lic
Hi lic, yoo hoo

FIGURE    C4, no progression

All 4 ladies chain straight across that ring
Chain 'em back, turn that pretty little thing
4 men star left once around that set
Meet your partner, curlique (then turn partner right), left allemande
Weave round that big old ring
When you meet your girl promenade along and sing
Hi lic, hi lic, hi lic, hi lo

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 1, no progression

Left allemande, let's do a little dosado
4 men star left once around you go
When you meet your partner you do a little dosado
Left allemande, weave around that ring
Weave it in and out you go
When you meet your girl promenade around and sing
Hi lic, hi lic, hi lic, hi lo

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 2, no progression

All 4 ladies chain turn that girl and then
Join hands and circle to the left around that ring
Ladies center, boys sashay, circle left that way
Ladies center, boys sashay, left allemande
Weave around that big old ring
When you meet your girl you promenade along and sing
Hi lic, hi lic, hi lic, hi lo

MIDDLE BREAK (ALTERNATE - to be used in place of Grand Spin)   

Sides face, grand square
Hi lic, hi lic
Hi lic, hi lic
Hi lic, hi lo
Hi lic, hi lic
Hi lic, hi lic
Hi lic, hi lo
Hi lic, hi lic, hi lic, hi lic
Hi lic, yoo hoo

Ladies center back-to-back, boys promenade outside
Go all the way, meet partner turn her by the left
Partner left, corner right, partner left turn all the way around
Square your sets

(Grand spin: sides will face as in grand square, back up 3 steps and turn on #4 step, go forward then dosado then star thru (you are now the new heads). Heads will star thru, then spin the top, then star thru, end facing the vacated sides position, then take a good step forward and California twirl and face. Heads you are now new sides. Repeat 3 more times and you are home.)

This record was released in 1973.

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=4457
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=4457
Lyrics:    https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/lyrics.php?LyricsId=2571