Banjo Sam
  (Mustang 114)   Tommy Stoye
two columns

OPENER - MIDDLE BREAK - CLOSER    Basic, R-H lady progression

Walk all around the left hand lady, see saw your own
Join hands and circle left around the ring you go
Roll away 1/2 sashay, circle left again
Allemande left and weave that ring
Walk in and out, meet your own, dosado
Swing that corner lady round you know
Then promenade, go walking round the town
Now swing, swing ole banjo Sam

FIGURE    Basic - SSD Week 7, corner progression

1 & 3 go right & left thru, turn your girl and then
Star thru and pass thru, star thru again
Pass thru and wheel and deal, double pass thru
First go left, next go right, and right & left thru
You star thru and swing the corner there
Do an allemande left, promenade the square
You promenade go round the town
You balance, and swing ole banjo Sam

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