I Don't Worry
  (Lou Mac 103)   Mac Letson
two columns


Allemande left with the corner maid
Come back one, then promenade
Promenade that girl around you go
1st and 3rd you wheel around
Go right & left thru with the 2 you found
Cross trail back, left allemande
Then weave the ring
Weave in and out around the ring
Meet a little girl and then you swing
Swing the girl around
Promenade go round the ring
After all is said and done, you're still the sweetest one
I don't worry, cause it makes no difference now

FIGURE    Mainstream - SSD Week 7, corner progression

1st and 3rd you lead to the right
Circle 4 and you make that line
Go forward and back, then right & left thru
Turn this girl, slide thru
1/2 square thru across you do
Then bend the line, go up and back with you
Right & left thru
Turn the girl and roll away
Pass thru and hear me say
U-turn back and star thru
Pass thru and swing
Swing corner lady round, promenade go round the town
I don't worry, cause it makes no difference now

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=4277
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=4277