You Alone
  (Grenn 12044)   Earl Johnston
two columns


Allemande left with the corner, you dosado your maid
Then join hands and circle to the left he said
You circle left around the land and do a left allemande
Box the gnat with partner, girls star with your left hand
Once around you go and then you dosado
Go all the way around, left allemande you know
You come back one and promenade, you take the lady home
Gee, I'd like to be with you all alone


Allemande left the corner, you swing with your own
You promenade her, you walk her around
1 & 3 wheel around, right & left thru the 2 you found
Cross trail back, the men star right, girls promenade the town
Second time you meet her, turn her left hand around
You swing the corner around and around
You promenade this lady, you take her back home
Gee, I'd like to be with you all alone

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