  (TNT 196)   Jerry Seeley
two columns

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 1

The 4 little ladies promenade inside the big old ring
Get back home and swing your man
Join hands, circle go walking around the ring
And do a left allemande, you're gonna weave the ring
Weave in and out around until you meet your own
Swing them once around and promenade
For there are sometimes I really love you
Like all of the time

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

All 4 ladies chain and you go straight across the ring
And now the heads promenade and you go halfway
Dance into the middle and square thru and get 4 hands and go
All the way around, do a right & left thru
Touch 1/4 then, scoot back my friend
Swing your corner girl and promenade
For there are sometimes I like to square dance
Like most of the time

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