The Band Played Boogie
  (Knee-Deep Melodies 142)   Glenn Wilson
two columns

Bow to Partner, And the Corner too Circle left, Men Star Right
Allemande left, Right & left grand, Swing, Promenade
(The band played boogie and the people danced on)

Heads Right and Left Thru, Same ones Slide Thru, Pass Thru
Swing Thru, Swing Thru Again, Pass to the Centre, Pass Thru
Slide Thru, Pass the Ocean, Spin Chain Thru (Boys Work)
Single Hinge, Scoot Back, Star Thru, Promenade

Heads Ladies Chain, Heads Promenade Half Way
Sides Square Thru 4, Swing Thru, Spin Chain Thru (Girls Work)
All 8 Circulate, But the Boys go Twice, Swing, Promenade

Sides Pass the Ocean, Extend, Out Facers Run, Forward and Back
Pass the Ocean, Spin Chain Thru (Mixed Work), Split Circulate
Boys Run, Promenade

Heads Square Thru 4, Slide Thru, Right and Left Thru, Dixie Style
Boys Trade, Left Swing Thru, Spin Chain Thru (Lefty - Boys Work)
Left Swing Thru, Girls Run, Promenade

Sides Right and Left Thru, Same ones Slide Thru, Pass Thru, Slide Thru
Right and Left Thru, Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave, Boys Trade
Spin Chain Thru (Lefty - Girls Work), All 8 Circulate, Girls Run, Promenade

Sides Pass the Ocean, Swing Thru, Extend, Centres Cross Run
Spin Chain Thru (Lefty - Mixed Work), Left Swing Thru, Left Swing Thru
Centres Trade, Girls Run, Lines Up and back, Right and Left Thru
Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Centre 4 Touch a Quarter
Same 4 Box Circulate Two Times, Allemande Left, Swing, Promenade

Heads Promenade Halfway, Heads Pass Thru, U-Turn Back
Same ones Touch a Quarter, Those Girls Run
(Same Sex), Slide Thru, Ends Cross Fold, Everybody Bow to Partner
And the Corner too, that's it, you're through

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Cue sheet: