Every Little Honky Tonk Bar
  (Chic 2066)   Patty Greene
two columns

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
Whiskey is the gasoline that lights the fire that burns the bridge
Ice creates the water that's no longer running under it

Men star right roll it one time around tonight
Left allemande and weave the ring
The jukebox plays Hank, I'm so lonesome I could cry
Swing your girl and promenade that lady home
And that's what happens in every little honky tonk bar

FIGURE    Mainstream, R-H lady progression

Heads square thru four hands around the ring you go
Dosado one time around and then
Spin chain thru, girls circulate twice
Turn thru
Allemande left the corner, walk by your own and then
Swing the next and promenade that lady home
And that's what happens in every little honky tonk bar


Circle left
Left allemande the corner, dosado you own
Left allemande and weave the ring
Swing your girl around and promenade
And that's what happens in every little honky tonk bar


And that's what happens in every little honky tonk bar

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=19308
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=19308