Little Bitty
Alan Jackson 1996
  (Heartland Records 3)   Max Ringe
two columns

OPENER    Basic - SSD Week 1

Circle left
A little bitty house and a little bitty yard
A little bitty dog and a little bitty car

Allemande left the corner lady, do a dosado your own
Allemande left the corner lady and weave the ring
Well, it's all right to be little bitty
A little home town, a big old city
Might as well share, might as well smile
Life goes on for a little bitty while

FIGURE    Mainstream, corner progression

Heads (sides) promenade travel halfway
You go down the middle and pass the ocean, then extend
Swing thru come two by two, spin the top
Boys move up and then square thru go 3
Courtesy turn and slide thru
Swing the corner lady and promenade
It's all right to be little bitty
Life goes on for a little bitty while

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face grand square
A little bitty baby in a little bitty gown
It'll grow up in a little bitty town
Big yellow bus and little bitty books
It all started with a little bitty look

Four boys promenade inside
Back home swing and promenade
Might as well share, might as well smile
Life goes on for a little bitty while

CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 2

Four ladies chain across the ring now
Half sashay and circle left I sing
Four ladies rollaway, you circle left
Allemande left the corner lady, and weave the ring
It's all right to be little bitty
A little home town, a big old city
Might as well share, might as well smile
Life goes on for a little bitty while


Four ladies chain across and back
It's all right to be little bitty
Life goes on for a little bitty while

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