Blackeyed Susan Brown
Hoosier Hot Shots 1933
  (Lore 1010)   Bob Henderson
one column

OPENER - MIDDLE BREAK - CLOSER    Basic, R-H lady progression

Allemande left your corner, pass by your own
Turn a right hand round the right hand girl, left hand turn at home
Four ladies chain a grand chain four, turn 'em and don't be slow
Chain 'em back on heel and toe, start a dopaso
It's a partner left and corner by the right, turn partner left you know
All the way around, girls star right, one time around you go
Box the flea when she gets there and swing 'em round and round
Don't hesitate, you've got a date
She's Blackeyed Susan Brown

FIGURE    A1, corner progression

Allemande left your corner, go home and swing
2 & 4 (1 & 3) right & left thru and turn the pretty little thing
*Heads to the middle and star thru, pass thru and box the gnat
Box it back, a right & left thru and turn the girl like that
Dive thru, star thru, cross trail to the corner and swing
Swing your corner go round and round, promenade and then
Promenade your honey, let's strut around that town
Don't hesitate, you've got a date
She's Blackeyed Susan Brown

FIGURE (ALTERNATE)    Basic - SSD Week 6, unknown progression

*Heads to the middle and star thru, pass thru and dosado
Go all the way around, right & left thru and turn the girl around

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