Thunder Road
Robert Mitchum; Jim & Jesse; others 1957
  (Rebel 108)   Jerry Vance
two columns


Walk all around the corner, come back dopaso
Partner left, corner right, partner left you know
Allemande thar, the boys back in, back on down the line
Slip the clutch, left allemande then weave the ring
Thunder, thunder over thunder road
Dosado your partner and promenade on home
Moonshine, moonshine to quench the devil's thirst
The law, they swore they'd get him
But the devil got him first

FIGURE    Basic, corner progression

1 & 3 (2 & 4) you promenade halfway around the square
Come down the middle with a right & left thru and turn that lady there
You flutter wheel and go, sweep 1/4 more
Pass thru, right & left thru, turn the girl once more
Dive in, square thru 3/4 round you go
Swing your corner round then promenade on home
Moonshine, moonshine to quench the devil's thirst
The law, they swore they'd get him
But the devil got him first


Heads (sides) pass the ocean, then ping pong circulate
Extend the tag, and swing thru, boys you run to the right
Wheel & deal and then do a right & left thru you know
Dosado, make an ocean wave and now explode load the boat
Thunder, thunder over thunder road
Pass thru, trade by, swing and promenade
Moonshine, moonshine to quench the devil's thirst
The law, they swore they'd get him
But the devil got him first


The law, they swore they'd get him
But the devil got him first

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Cue sheet: