When You And I Were Young, Maggie
  (MacGregor 914)   Fenton Jones
two columns


The heads cross trail through the hills, Maggie
Round one, lady in the lead, dixie chain
Girls right, gents left
Star thru, frontier whirl
Corner swing
Swing and whirl, circle left by the mill, Maggie
Whirlaway, dosado, then promenade
Square dancing is fun in the hills, Maggie
Where you and I were young


1 & 3 to the right, circle left with Maggie
Lines of four go forward up and back
Pass thru, wheel & deal
Double pass thru, Maggie
Face the middle, partners right, box the gnat
Back away, circle left by the mill, Maggie
Four girls cross trail, left allemande
Come back one, promenade through the hills, Maggie
Where you and I were young

(Sequence of dance: Break; Figure twice through for Head couples; Break; Figure twice through for Side couples)

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=12437
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=12437