Take Me Back To Colorado
  (Old Timer 8143)   Cal Golden
two columns


Allemande left your corner
Dosado your partner
Promenade your girl around the ring
All 4 couples wheel around
Promenade the wrong way round
Four men backtrack around the ring
Reverse the boys, reverse the girls
Meet your own with a right hand whirl
Allemande left your corner
Promenade your own
Y'all come to see us
I know you'll never leave us
Take me back to Colorado for to stay


1st and 3rd right & left thru
Turn your girl that's what you do
Now lead to the right and circle halfway round
Dive thru, pass thru
Right & left thru with the outside two
Dive thru and make a right hand star
It's once and a half and around you go
Corner ladies swing and whirl
Promenade this lady round the ring
Y'all come to see us
I know you'll never leave us
Take me back to Colorado for to stay

Data page: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/viewsingle.php?RecordId=10334
Cue sheet: https://www.ceder.net/recorddb/cuesheet.php?RecordId=10334