Good Old Days
  (Windsor 4820)   Bruce Johnson
one column


All join your hands and you circle the ringo
Turn corner under, swing her
Men star left, once around that old land
Box the gnat, change hands, then left allemande
Grand right & left til you meet her again, then
Go promenadin' while I coin a phrase
*Well the taxes weren't so rough, but to make a buck was tough
Back in the good old days


*Now my granny told me once, son, you're nothing but a dunce

*Well, prices then were low, but traffic was so slow

*Now, the girls could cook and can, but they now dance better than

FIGURE    Mainstream, R-H lady progression

Heads right & left thru a full turn is ok
Promenade 'em home, go halfway
Sides star thru, do a double pass thru
Centers in, cast off 3/4 ya do
Star thru and center 4 will circle in a ringo
Once around, then pass on thru and swing
Swing this gal then walk the ring, but you won't have time to swing
Like in the good old days


Go promenadin' walk 'em two by two
Take your honey round the ring, pos-i-tive-ly do not swing
Bow to your partners, corners all, big ol' smile, that's it that's all

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