Carolina Sunshine Maid
  (Melody 104)   Harold Thomas
one column


Walk all around your corner, come home and you can swing
Join hands and circle left, go walking around that ring
Now men star by the right, and turn it once around that land
Left allemande that corner, and you weave around that ring
Weave in and out around, until you see her smile
Dosado and promenade, promenade right along
Join us in a happy song, that Carolina Sunshine Maid

FIGURE (twice for heads, twice for sides)    Basic - SSD Week 10, corner progression

Head two couples promenade go halfway round that ring
Side two couples square thru 4 hands around I sing
Go all the way around then do a right & left thru
Turn the girls, then pass thru, trade by and now swing thru, go 2 by 2
Boys trade and swing, left allemande new corner girl then promenade that ring
Promenade about a mile, can't you see her watch her smile
That Carolina Sunshine Maid


Heads square thru 4 hands around you go
And with the sides you make a right hand star
Now heads star left in the middle one time around
Same 2 go right & left thru you turn the girls around
Swing thru and then, swing thru again
Swing that corner, promenade
Promenade a little while, can't you see her watch her smile
My Carolina Sunshine Maid


Ah, you swing my Carolina Sunshine Maid

Note: Good clogging music

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