Alabama Jubilee
Collins & Harlan; Skillet Lickers; Red Foley; Chet Atkins; many others 1915
  (Top 25336)   Rocky Luminais
one column

OPENER - CLOSER    Basic - SSD Week 4

Sides face, grand square
You ought to see deacon Jones when he rattles them bones
Old Parson Brown when he acts like a clown
Old sister Sadie, she looks so shady

Left allemande the corner, you weave around the ring
Go in and out around and when you meet that girl
Dosado around and promenade the world, singing
Hail, hail, the gang's all here
For that Alabama Jubilee

FIGURE    Plus, corner progression

Why don't those head (side) couples square thru, count up four and go
Round that corner lady, do a dosado
Swing thru, boys run right
You do a half tag, trade and roll
Right & left thru, and then swing thru
Boys you'll trade, swing corner lady and promenade
Hail, hail, the gang's all here
For that Alabama Jubilee

MIDDLE BREAK    Basic - SSD Week 1

Four ladies promenade, go once around that ring
Come home and swing your man, go swinging round and then
Join all a bunch of hands, circle left around the ring
Do an allemande left with your left hand
Come back, a right & left grand, old right and left go walking round the ring
Meet that lady, promenade around and sing
Hail, hail, the gang's all here
For the Alabama Jubilee

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Cue sheet: